Originally appears on Centre Daily Times
March 14, 2019

Cheryl Colleluori had delivered a meal at a Philadelphia children’s hospital to a family touched by cancer when she noticed the 6-foot-5 hulking man with a shaved head holding the hand of a little girl.
Colleluori instantly recognized Devon Still, the former Penn State star whose daughter Leah was diagnosed with a rare cancer that affects primarily infants and young children. Out of respect, Colleluori kept her distance and allowed the Stills their family time, but if she could have stopped him and shared a message, it was this: “You’re a lucky, lucky man. I wish I was that lucky.”
Colleluori’s son Nick was an undersized pitbull of an athlete who parlayed talent and grit into a lacrosse scholarship at Hofstra. But toward the end of his freshman season in 2005, what Nick thought was an issue with his hearing instead was diagnosed as non-Hodgkins lymphoma. Nick Colleluori died at 21 years old on Nov. 28, 2006, but not before he left a legacy carried out by his family: Nick’s House, a free home for cancer patients, and their families, undergoing treatment in the Philadelphia area.
Colleluori finally got the chance to meet Still nearly 3 1/2 years later when the retired NFL lineman toured Nick’s House. Leah Still is nearing four years in remission and her father has become an author, motivational speaker and an inspiration — especially to strangers suffering like his family did.
“I just kind of admired how jovial you were, and trying to be as normal as possible in a very, very tough situation,” Colleluori told Still inside the house.
Colleluori directed Still toward a portrait of her son above the fireplace in the home that fits up to seven families and comes furnished, with full bathrooms and other comforts of home. Nick Colleluori founded the HEADstrong Foundation from his hospital bed and more than 500 people are expected at the ninth fundraising gala for the nonprofit organization will be held Friday in Philadelphia.
“It’s cool to find out how she recycled her pain to help other people,” Still said.
Leah was diagnosed in 2014 with… read more here