5 Ways To Manage The Stress Of Cancer

As a parent, the main focus is always on keeping children safe and healthy. When cancer comes into the home it can be overwhelming for everyone. Seeing your child battle for their life before they’ve begun to fully live is tough. It’s important that in the midst of everything that’s going on, everyone find mental peace to get through.

Here are 5 tips for managing stress and keeping the peace:

1. Focus On The Positive. There will be people that show up for the family that you never expected, there will be great days, and there will be bright smiles. Take it all in and really focus on the good that’s going on around you.

2. Take Mental Breaks. Every day, make it a point to take 15 to 30 minutes of quiet time to yourself to just do nothing. Do not plan, plot or pray. Just. Be. Quiet. Do something enjoyable to create nice memories and break the monotony.

3. Get It Out. There is no better way to safely blow of steam than to exercise. Run. Lift weights. Do push-ups. Sing loudly. Exercise releases endorphins, which are the body’s happy hormones. These make you feel good at the moment as well as afterward. Blowing off steam also serves as a momentary distraction from the things that are bothering you.

4. Talk it out. A cancer diagnosis can pack a lot of emotion and it’s not healthy to keep it all bottled in. Talk things out with a trusted family member or friend. If you don’t feel comfortable confiding in anyone close to you a therapist can also step in and provide a shoulder for you to lean on and ears to listen.

5. Connect with God. Prayer helps you to find peace, focus your heart, get wisdom and find answers. It’s your opportunity to communicate with God and rest in His perfect peace. Get out all of your feelings in conversation and pray for what you need. By connecting with God like this you’ll be able to be refilled and refreshed spiritually, making you strong naturally to face another day.